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Table of Contents

All QuantSeq FWD and REV kits ordered after November 2016 are supplied with a code to access the QuantSeq data analysis pipelines on the BlueBee® Genomics Platform. Each code contains an equal number of pipeline runs as reactions provided in the kits, i.e., a 96 reaction kit includes 96 data analysis runs.

The list of reference annotations available for the pipelines hosted on the BlueBee Genomics Platform can be found here: /wiki/spaces/TS/pages/78676050

NOTE! QuantSeq-Flex and QuantSeq-Pool Kits do not come with free access to data analysis pipelines on the BlueBee Genomics Platform. Please check these FAQs for data analysis information for these kits:

File Sizes

The FASTQ input file size for free data analysis runs on the BlueBee Genomics Platform is 1.5 GB. Larger FASTQ file sizes can only be processed using activation codes for large file sizes, which can be purchased additionally (Cat. No. 093 for FWD, or Cat. No. 094 for REV library types, respectively). For additional options to collapse FASTQ files for analysis, see: My FASTQ files are bigger than 1.5 GB what should I do?.

Which Pipeline Should I Choose?

The pipelines for FWD and REV are selected automatically based on the type of kit purchased. To analyze data from QuantSeq FWD libraries that contain UMIs (prepared with the UMI Second Strand Synthesis Module (Cat. No. 081), simply use the activation code included with your QuantSeq FWD kit and select the respective pipeline when setting up your data analysis run on BlueBee®.

The code supplied with the QuantSeq FWD Kits enables two different pipeline options:

  • FWD pipeline – For standard QuantSeq FWD library data (no UMIs).

  • FWD-UMI pipeline – only for libraries prepared with the UMI Second Strand Synthesis Module for QuantSeq FWD (Illumina, Read 1, Cat. No. 081).

Each code contains an equal number of pipeline runs as reactions provided in the kits, i.e., you You should choose either the FWD or FWD-UMI pipeline, depending on how your libraries were prepared. If you wish to run both options, additional Activation Codes will need to be purchased (Cat. No. 090). If you start the wrong pipeline for your data you can abort or stop the run before it is completed without losing your allocated runs. If the run is completed then additional runs will need to be purchased.
To analyze data from QuantSeq FWD libraries that contain UMIs (prepared with the UMI Second Strand Synthesis Module (Cat. No. 081), simply use the activation code included with your QuantSeq FWD kit and select the respective pipeline when setting up your data analysis run on BlueBee®.
QuantSeq FWD libraries prepared from blood using Globin Block (RS-GBHs or RS-GBSs, Cat. No. 070 and 071) should be analyzed using the standard FWD pipeline for data analysis; unless UMIs are also included and then the FWD-UMI pipeline should be selected.

NOTE! If you start the wrong pipeline for your data you can abort or stop the run before it is completed without losing your allocated runs. If the run is completed then additional runs will need to be purchased.


  • Do not run the "FWD-UMI" pipelines for QuantSeq FWD (standard) libraries that do not contain UMIs. This will incorrectly collapse reads and result in incorrect read count data. Use only the FWD pipelines for standard QuantSeq FWD libraries!



  • Do not use activation codes provided with the QuantSeq REV Kit (Cat. No. 016) for the analysis of FWD libraries


Common name (if available)




African Oil Palm


Elaeis guineensis




Arabidopsis halleri


Arabidopsis Thale cress


Arabidopsis thaliana


Baker's Yeast


Saccharomyces cerevisiae




Hordeum vulgare




Bartonella henselae


Brain-Eating Amoeba


Naegleria fowleri




Gallus gallus


CHO-K1 Cell Line


Cricetulus griseus


Common Yellow Monkeyflower


Mimulus guttatus








Bos taurus


Cacao Tree


Theobroma cacao criollo




Canis lupus familiaris


Drummond's Rockcress


Boechera stricta




Mustela putorius furo


Fruit Fly


Drosophila melanogaster




Fusarium oxysporum




Yarrowia lipolytica




Capra hircus




Homo sapiens




Zea mays


Melon Fly


Bactrocera cucurbitae




Mus musculus


Nematode Roundworm


Caenorhabditis elegans


Painted Turtle


Chrysemys picta bellii




Sus scrofa




Solanum tuberosum




Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA103


Purple False Brome


Brachypodium distachyon




Oryctolagus cuniculus




Rattus norvegicus




Oryza sativa




Salmon salar




Sorghum bicolor




Amphimedon queenslandica


Starlet Sea Anemone


Nematostella vectensis




Solanum lycopersicum


Water flea


Daphnia pulex


Western Balsam Poplar Tree


Populus trichocarpa




Candida albicans, Candida auris, Candida parapsilosis




Kluyveromyces lactis




Danio rerio


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