Versions Compared


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When switching from QuantSeq-FWD to QuantSeq-Pool, there are certain considerations researchers should take to ensure QuantSeq-Pool is the appropriate kit for their application.

General comparison between


QuantSeq-FWD (Cat. No. 191-196) and


QuantSeq-Pool (Cat. No. 139)







1ng - 500ng*


lower inputs possible with

low input protocol modifications available for 1 ng - 10 ng.

10ng - 120ng per sample into


First Strand Synthesis.

80ng - 960ng per pool into


Second Strand Synthesis.

RNA quality

N/A - both high

High and low quality RNA is acceptable, as well as FFPE RNA.



to high quality RNA required (i.e., RIN >6).

Blood samples

Compatible with Globin Block Modules
(Cat. No. 070 (Homo sapiens) and 071 (Sus scrofa)).

Not recommended.

Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMIs)

Optional with UMI Second Strand Synthesis Module (Cat. No. 081).
UMIs are 6 nt long (plus a 4 nt spacer) and added during Second Strand Synthesis.


UMIs are 10 nt long and added during First Strand Synthesis.

First Strand Synthesis Primer

Oligo(dT) primer with partial Illumina adapter sequence.

Oligo(dT) primer with


12 nt i1 barcode,


10 nt UMI, and partial Illumina adapter sequence.

Library Quality Control (QC)

QC individual libraries and pool at equimolar ratio.

QC final, pooled library; individual library QC not possible due to early pooling after reverse transcription.

Average Library Size

~335 – 456 bp (based on UHRR)*

*Can vary based on RNA quality and sample type.

~650 bp (based on UHRR)*

*Can vary based on RNA quality and sample type.

Sequencing mode

Single Read (SR)

Read 1: insert; 50 – 150bp

Paired End Read (PE)
Read 1: insert; 50 – 150bp
Read 2: UMI and i1 barcode; 22bp


i5/i7 demultiplexing required

(can be done with bcl2fastq)


If only using Lexogen 12 nt UDI in your sequencing lane (e.g., with other Lexogen libraries), we recommend iDemux for demultiplexing and optimal error correction.

i5/i7 demultiplexing optional (if UDI are used).

i1 demultiplexing required (iDemux recommended).

If only using Lexogen 12 nt UDI in your sequencing lane (e.g., with other Lexogen libraries), we recommend iDemux for demultiplexing and optimal error correction.

What components are interchangeable


between QuantSeq-FWD and QuantSeq-Pool?

FS in


QuantSeq-Pool and FS1/FS2 in



Not interchangeable

FSS enzyme

First Strand Synthesis Enzyme (E1)




Module (PB, PS, EB)


RPM in


QuantSeq-Pool and SS1/SS2 in



Not interchangeable

SSS enzyme

Second Strand Synthesis Enzyme (E2)

Not interchangeable

Library Amplification Module

PM and PE are interchangeable

NOTE: P5 and P7 required for


QuantSeq-Pool when no i5/i7 indexing is done.


When switching from QuantSeq-FWD to QuantSeq-Pool, we strongly encourage you to perform a pilot experiment, to ensure you are satisfied with the data. If performing a head-to-head comparison of QuantSeq-FWD and QuantSeq-Pool, consider the

experimental set-up


  • Use the same input amountsample type and same input amounts.

  • Include technical replicates to assess handling variability (QuantSeq-FWD samples are processed separately whereas QuantSeq-Pool samples are processed together).

  • Optional: Include spike-in RNA controls (SIRVs) for assessing differential gene expression to determine “ground truth” (comparing expected vs observed).

  • Compare samples at using the same read depth - down sample if necessarySame Read 1 lengthand downsample if necessary (e.g., if you have 10 million reads for Sample A and 1 million reads for Sample B, randomly discard a specified fraction of reads so Sample A and Sample B both have 1 million reads.). If you have questions about downsampling, please contact

  • Use the same Read 1 length (i.e., insert length). We recommend >75bp for Read 1.

  • Do not collapse UMIs, even if UMIs are included in QuantSeq-FWD (with SSS UMI Module)

  • Recommend including technical replicates to assess handling variability (QSF samples processed separately whereas QSP samples processed together)

  • Recommend including controls (SIRVs) to assess DEG, if interested in this (compare expected vs observed). It is instead advised to check the correlation of non-collapsed samples.