Lexogen Online FAQs

What do I do if my products arrive thawed or damaged?


Immediately store all products at the correct storage temperatures, as indicated on the Product Labels, and in the respective product User Guides.

Before storing, please note if the products feel cold or warm to the touch and inspect if the contents are frozen or thawed (if possible).

If any physical damage is noted, where possible, please take clear photographs of any damaged boxes or internal kit items (e.g., tubes, columns, reagent bottles etc.).

Next, please contact support@lexogen.com and provide us with the following details, so that we can evaluate product stability for you:

  • Catalog number(s) and name(s) of the affected kits.

  • The box / tube LOT number(s) and BATCH number(s) (if available)

  • The date and time your products arrived.

  • Your order number (PO) or a copy of your Lexogen Order Confirmation.

  • If possible: Any photos of the box(es) or tube label(s) showing any physical damage (and/or any noted volume losses)

  • If possible: A temperature measurement or description of the temperature of the products (to touch) when they were received.


Please understand that these details must be evaluated in order to determine whether replacement products can be provided.

Have feedback for us or need more information? Send us a request or write to us at support@lexogen.com.