Lexogen Online FAQs

What input amount of total RNA is needed for the alkylation with iodoacetamide?

For either the Anabolic (Cat. No. 061) or Catabolic Kinetics Modules (Cat. No. 062), 1 – 5 µg of total RNA can be used for the alkylation reaction with iodoacetamide (IAA). The SLAMseq Kinetics Kits provide reagents that stabilize labeled RNA during total RNA isolation, and the IAA required for alkylation. The resulting total RNA is purified and can then be used for library preparation. We recommend using QuantSeq 3' mRNA-Seq Library Prep Kits (FWD: Cat. No. 191 - 196, or REV: Cat. No. 225) for library preparation.

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