How long are the SIRVs?

Lexogen Online FAQs

How long are the SIRVs?

The SIRV isoforms range from 191 to 2,528 nt with the shortest mRNAs being antisense mono-exonic transcripts. The ERCCs are 281 to 2,036 nt long, whereas the long SIRVs cover the length range of 4 kb to 12 kb.

Figure 1| Length complexity of SIRV-Sets. Transcripts of the ERCC module range up to 2 kb in length, the ones of the SIRV isoform module up to 2.5 kb. The long SIRV module contains three transcripts in each of the length categories 4 kb, 6 kb, 8 kb, 10 kb and 12kb.

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