Lexogen Online FAQs

What does a typical LUTHOR HD Pool library look like?

With LUTHOR HD Pool, the majority of inserts are greater than 100 bp in size, corresponding to final library fragment sizes ≥300 bp.

Figure 1 | Bioanalyzer traces of LUTHOR HD Pool libraries prepared from different input amounts of purified total RNA (UHRR). Libraries were prepared using 8 x 10 pg (red trace, 14 PCR cycles), 8 x 100 pg (blue trace, 11 PCR cycles), and 8 x 1 ng (green trace, 7 PCR cycles) total RNA input (UHRR). Endpoint PCR was performed using i5 / i7 dual indexing.
Figure 2 | Bioanalyzer traces of LUTHOR HD Pool libraries generated from DU-145 cells. Libraries were prepared using 48 x 1 DU-145 cell (red trace, 6 PCR cycles), 24 x 1 DU-145 cell (blue trace, 7 PCR cycles), 8 x 1 DU-145 cell (green trace, 8 PCR cycles) or 8 x 10 DU-145 cells (turquoise trace, 5 PCR cycles) and 8 x 100 DU-145 cells (pink trace, 2 PCR cycles) as input.

IMPORTANT! Library yield, shape, and average insert size may vary, depending on the type of input sample (e.g., degraded, low quality RNA produces shorter library inserts than high quality RNA). Additionally, cell culture medium can interfere with and negatively impact library preparation. When using cells in culture media, if possible, wash with PBS before dispensing into LUTHOR Cell Lysis Buffer (CLB). For more information, please contact support@lexogen.com.

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