Lexogen Online FAQs

Can plant and bacterial rRNA be co-depleted with RiboCop?

Yes. RiboCop rRNA Depletion Kits for Plants (Cat. No. 237) and for Bacteria (META, Cat. No. 125) enable removal of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) from mixed total RNA samples, and are suitable for Next Generation Sequencing as well as other demanding RNA analysis applications. The need for depletion of both plant host and bacterial rRNA in co-cultured environments may be desired, and hence, a combination of our RiboCop kits can achieve total rRNA depletion.


Co-depletion of Plant and Microbes Protocol:

Up to 500 ng of total RNA derived from Plant and microbial co-cultures can be processed. For step 1 - 3 follow the instructions below, then start the protocol described in the RiboCop for Plants User Guide (237UG789) from step 4.

  1. Prepare 1- 500 ng of co-culture total RNA in an input volume of 26 μl.  Dilute using RNase-free water if required.

  2. Add 4 μl Hybridization Solution (HS).

  3. Mix 2.5 μl Plant Probe Mix (PPM ) with 2.5 μl Probe Mix for Bacteria (META), add the combined Probe Mixes to the RNA and mix thoroughly until homogenous.

Follow the Protocol described in 237UG789 (RiboCop for Plants) from Step 4. 


If you need to process higher input amounts or need assistance for the probe mixes, please contact support@lexogen.com.


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